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Rose Pest Solutions Portage
2620 Centennial Rd Unit F
Toledo, Ohio 43617


Portage, Ohio Pest Control And Exterminators

Rose Pest Solutions has proudly provided pest control services to Portage and throughout OhioMichiganIndiana and Kentucky for over 150 years. As one of the regions oldest pest control companies, we have mastered getting rid of pests in residential and commercial settings, including:

One of the most common pests to be found in homes throughout Portage, the pest that can send grown men running is the spider. There are over 40,000 species of spiders in the world, but the most common spiders in Portage are the yellow sac spider, the common house spider, the common cellar spider and the wolf spider. So how do you know what type of spider is infesting your home? Please read on.

Yellow Sac Spiders In Portage OH

The yellow sac spider is a relatively small spider, measuring 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch in length. These spiders are easily overlooked with no conspicuous markings, unlike the black widow or brown recluse spiders that both have distinguishing markings on their backs. The two front legs of the yellow sac spider are longer than the other three sets and their coloring can range from quite pale tan to a straw color.

Portage OH House Spiders

Another common intruder to homes in Portage is the common house spider. This tiny spider measures between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch long and spins irregular looking webs in the corners of your home. House spiders have a brown abdomen and several distinctive white and yellow triangular spots. Their legs are light yellow and have slightly darker rings at the end of their joints.

Cellar Spiders Identification

Cellar spiders also known as “daddy long legs” are typically 3/4 of an inch long. They spin large irregular webs and are easily recognizable by their extremely long, spindly legs. Cellar spiders are generally brownish or grayish in color and rest upside down in their webs.

Wolf Spiders In Ohio

Found throughout the world, wolf spiders in Portage are a large spider ranging in size from ½ to 1 inch long. Unlike the other spiders in Portage, these spiders do not spin webs and are opportunistic hunters. Wolf spiders are distinguished by their eye pattern. Their eyes are arranged in 2 rows with 4 small eyes in the lower row.

Get Rid Of Spiders Portage OH

Keeping spiders out of your home is not always an easy task, especially if there is an ample food supply available to them, but there are a few things you can do to make your home look less desirable to these 8-legged arachnids:

  • Remove debris, wood piles and rock piles away from your foundation; these areas provide excellent hiding places for spiders

  • Control other household pests such as ants, flies and roaches which attract hungry spiders

  • Never stack fire wood or building materials against your house

  • Rack up any decaying vegetation or leaf litter from around the foundation of your home

  • Cut back trees and shrubs so they do not touch the exterior of your home

  • Seal or caulk cracks and crevices around your home where spiders can gain entry inside

  • Always use a screen on open doors and windows

If these simple habitat modifications and spider exclusion methods are not enough to keep spiders out of your home, Rose Pest Solutions is ready to help! We offer a home pest control program that will help you get rid of spiders, as well as many other household pests. Contact our Portage exterminators to start your home pest control service today!

Additional Pest Control Services In Portage OH

Along with general home pest control in Portage, Ohio, Rose offers a variety of other pest control services, including:

For all of your pest control needs in PortageOhio, you can trust the experience of Rose Pest Solutions. Contact us today for more information or to schedule your free pest control inspection!


For Year-Round Protection Consider The Rose Home Service Program.

The Rose Home Service Program offers regularly scheduled pest control services for a single annual price, designed to identify and prevent infestations of the most common pests. Whether you're dealing with ants, spiders, or other common invaders, our Home Service Programs provide year-round protection and peace of mind.


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