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(740) 264-5566
(800) 742-8712
Rose Pest Solutions Pittsburgh
251 Airport Road
Wintersville, OH 43953


The Termite Problem In Pittsburgh PA

Termites are a species of insect that can cause significant damage to your Pittsburgh home. Termites are attracted to your home because they are looking for a food source; they break down the cellulose in wood, leaves, soil and other debris. They especially like any wood that is moist or has had water damage. Termites live in very large colonies and once a colony has been established in or around your home, termite damage can be extensive and cost thousands of dollars to fix.

Signs Of Termites In Pittsburgh

Determining that you do have a termite problem can be difficult; even though their colonies can have thousands to millions of termites in them, they avoid the sun and are rarely seen. There are several common signs of a termite infestation:

  • Mud tunnels in the ground that lead to your home. 

  • Damage to wooden structure in your home (the surface of the wood may look weakened, splintered or blistered). 

  • Walls that sound hollow when tapped (termites work from the inside out).

  • Reproductive members of a termite colony discard their wings so you may see piles of wings outside windows or doors during the spring. 

If you notice any of these signs you should immediately call a trusted Pittsburgh termite control specialist like Rose Pest Solutions!

Effective Termite Control In Pittsburgh PA

In the event that your home does become infested, Rose Pest Solutions can rid your home of termites using the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System. An environmentally friendly system that detects termites, it eliminates termites and continuously monitors your property to prevent re-infestations. Using this system will not only eliminate the individual termites but ensure that the entire colony has been destroyed. Not only does the Sentricon® system protect homes in Pittsburgh, it has been trusted to protect some of our country’s national treasures from termites. Contact Rose Pest Solutions today to find out how our termite control experts in Pittsburgh can help you!

Pittsburgh Pest Control For Homes And Businesses

Rose Pest Solutions has been helping home and business owners for the last 150 years with their pest control problems. Along with termite control, we specialize in:

Rose Pest Solutions is ready to help you with any of your pest control needs. Contact us today!


For Year-Round Protection Consider The Rose Home Service Program.

The Rose Home Service Program offers regularly scheduled pest control services for a single annual price, designed to identify and prevent infestations of the most common pests. Whether you're dealing with ants, spiders, or other common invaders, our Home Service Programs provide year-round protection and peace of mind.


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