There are many species of rats found in
Cleveland, and throughout the United States but two rat species are of particular concern as pests -
roof rats and
Norway rats. Both are considered to be
commensal rodents, meaning that they share the table with humans and are thought to be among a small minority of rat species to benefit from this type of relationship. Norway rats are considered to be slightly larger than roof rats:
- Body length of 7-9 inches
- Coat of coarse shaggy brown hair
- Blunt noses

- Tail around 6-8 inches long
- Blunt ended capsule shaped droppings approximately 3/4 inch in length.
Some of the tell-tale signs of the presence of Norway rats include droppings, gnaw marks, burrows, tracks and rub or grease marks.
Roof rats are unlike Norway rats in that they prefer the upper sections of structures to nest in and have:
- Body length of 6-8 inches
- Smooth brown fur
- Pointed noses
- Tail around 7-10 inches long
- Droppings 1/2 inch long with pointed ends
Tell tale signs roof rats are present are the same as Norway rats.
Are they dangerous?
Rats are known to carry a number of diseases including
mycoplasma – a genus of bacteria which can cause pneumonia and other respiratory disorders - as well as parasites and mites but primarily cause damage to property and destroy food.
How do you get rid of rats?
Both Norway rats and roof rats may be difficult to control, primarily because they are elusive, rapid moving and wary creatures. For that reason, Rose Pest Solutions created the Pest Rat program to eliminate your rat problem in the quickest and safest way possible.
Can I do it myself?
Due to the complex nature of
rat treatment and the length of time required for the treatment, rats are not normally a pest many people have much success in eradicating. Pesticides and other products available over the counter and online should be used with extreme care. Even though many of these products are not effective in
treating rat problems, if children or pets handle or eat the bait or poison the
effects can be deadly.
How soon can you get here?
Is the treatment safe?
Rose Pest Solutions uses products that have been checked and registered by the
EPA and applies them following a strict set of guidelines, ensuring the product poses no threat to people, pets or plants. Our highly trained service technicians will inform you of any precise safety measures that are required to be taken should the need arise.
How can I prevent this in the future?
Pest problems like Norway rats and roof rats can be very difficult to prevent, but keeping kitchens and food preparation areas clean and storing food in airtight containers can help minimize the likelihood of rat infestation.