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Rose Pest Solutions Blog

2015 Blog Archive



    How To Prevent Pantry Pests

    Rose Pest Solutions Offers Insight to Avoiding Infestations




    A wide variety of pests are attracted to pantry staples such as flour, spices, cereals, chocolate, dried fruits, sugar, and other food items. Some of these pests may enter through cracks in the walls, while others squeeze in under doors. However, a surprising number of pantry infestations begin at the grocery store. These pests can infiltrate food packaging during processing, while on delivery trucks, or even within the store itself. When you purchase the product, you unknowingly bring the pests home with you. First, we'll examine the problem, and then we'll focus on the solution.


    Tags: Entomologists  |  pest prevention  |  home pest control  |  pantry pests  |  Rose Pest Solutions


    What Scientists Have To Say About The Dangers Of Cockroaches




    Have you seen them running around the kitchen? Have you watched one crawl out of your air conditioner upside down, and then scurry up the wall? There aren't many who would say that having roaches is wonderful, but surprisingly few people appropriately deal with this insect. Laying down a few roach motels or spraying the cracks of your kitchen with pesticide is not only ineffective, it puts your family at risk. The CDC recommends Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to reduce these risks. 


    Tags: cockroaches  |  cockroach infestation  |  Cockroaches in Ohio