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Rose Pest Solutions Blog

Rose Pest Solutions Blog

Do We Eat Insects?

The Answer Is Most Likely Yes




Those of us who like to eat, and that is just about all of us, have to face an unappetizing reality, the ingredients we cook with, regularly contain bugs. It's not something we like to think about but it is something we need to be aware of. If you do find insects or insect parts in your pantry, the simple solution is to toss out the affected food. If you think you need a professional, give us a call.

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Pest Hacks

Simple Pest Hacks From The Pros At Rose




What do hot water, a drinking glass, apple cider vinegar, and a vacuum cleaner have in common? They can all be used to control pests. Find out how in this video from Rose Entomologists Mark and Shep.

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What Pests Are Trying To Tell You.

Every Pest Has A Story.




It's cause and effect. Whenever you find and identify a pest it's telling you a story, you just have to follow the evidence to find why it's there. In this video from Rose Entomologist Mark Sheperdigian, find out what the presence of pests is trying to tell you.

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Not All Stinging Insects Sting!




As families across the midwest continue to squeeze every last drop of The Great Outdoors from Summer before shifting their sights to Mother Nature’s Fall delights, Rose Pest Solutions  - offers these insights on bees and wasps to help keep the sting out of the waning warm weather.

yellow jacket on white background

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